What is Vedic Astrology

what is Vedic Astrology

So what is Vedic Astrol­o­gy? The one burn­ing ques­tion that caus­es dis­tress to human mind is, if we bear the fruits of our own past kar­ma then how do we know what we did in the past.There is only one way to look into the past and that is through the birth chart. A birth chart is a map of the planets,the hous­es and the stars at the time you took birth. Astrol­o­gy involves the study of plan­etery move­ments and their effects on human lives.

Thou­sands of years back sages of india dis­cov­ered that uni­verse is con­trolled by an invis­i­ble pow­er. There was no Tele­scope, no Binoc­u­lar and no com­put­ers at that time but still they could observe the effects of plan­etery move­ments on human lives by going deep into meditation.

Astrol­o­gy is sim­ply an guid­ing light which shows pos­si­bil­i­ty of the future, astrol­o­gy is a sci­ence of trends and pat­terns. With the help of this divine sci­ence one can see the strengths and weak­ness­es one is born with, what life is going to bring plea­sure or pain, what one has to sus­tain and what one has to over­come instead of either mak­ing frus­trat­ing attempts to change a cer­tain­ty or fall into absolute negativism.