BrokenEngagement/Purnarbhoo dosha

Here is an inter­est­ing case study of a bro­ken engage­ment and dowry vio­lence. We will see how plan­ets sealed the fate of a relationship.

Native got engaged in April 2019 and mar­riage was about to take place in Novem­ber 2019. But, as the fate would have it, the wed­ding was called off just before the 15 days of fixed date. Both par­ties were involved in a huge ver­bal and phys­i­cal fight due to demands for high­er dowry payment.

Lagna is Simha, the 7th lord is sat­urn, who is ill placed in 6th but retains strength due to his place­ment in own sign. Look at how sat­urn is trapped between malefics like rahu and mars and devoid of any benef­ic influ­ence, sat­urn is also involved in mutu­al aspect with the 12th lord moon, caus­ing punarb­hoo dosha.The 7th lord and 7th house is afflict­ed from lagna and chan­dra lagna.

Mar­riage was fixed in the dasha of Ketu-mars and got destroyed in ketu-rahu dasha. Ketu in 11th and mars in 7th from lagna is clear­ly indi­cat­ing mar­riage like event, but both being the cru­el plan­ets also indi­cat­ing dif­fi­cul­ty in sus­tain­ing the rela­tion­ship. Now, let’s take a look at the tran­sits, sat­urn was tran­sit­ing in 5th house over natal rahu, Ketu was tran­sit­ing over natal rahu and rahu was tran­sit­ing over natal ketu. This is known as half nodal return, which is very well known to cre­ate trag­ic events.