Addictions & Vices

The hous­es 3 – 7‑11 forms the kaam trikone known as axis of desires in a horo­scope. Desires are not bad but when turn into evil, desires are bad which plays hav­oc with the human mind.3rd is the house of social inter­ac­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions known as seed of desires. 7th is the house of oppor­tu­ni­ty to full­fill the desire and final­ly 11th is the house which grants full­fil­ment of desires. Asso­ci­a­tion of the hous­es 3 – 7‑11 cre­ates strong desires and afflic­tions to these houses/​lords turns desires into addic­tions like gam­bling, sex, alco­holism etc.

Pres­ence of rahu and jupiter in kaam trikone gives mon­e­tary gains but ham­pers the rep­u­ta­tion and brings bad name to the native. Rahu is the demon head with­out a body which means what­ev­er he con­sumes his stom­ach nev­er gets filled, he is nev­er sat­is­fied, his thirst nev­er gets quenched.

Let me explain this with the help of a chart:-

Lagna is simha, Lagna lord sun is well placed in the 10th house with 2nd and 11th lord mer­cury. Jupiter, moon and rahu placed in 3 – 7‑11 hous­es respec­tive­ly. Plan­ets placed in mutu­al trines acts like tem­po­rary friends in a chart. Jupiter is ret­ro­grade, caught between guli­ka and man­di and placed in the naksha­tra of rahu (swati). Moon in 7th is placed in the naksha­tra of rahu again (shatb­hisha). Rahu in 11th is placed in the naksha­tra of jupiter (Punar­va­su).

Aspect of jupiter on rahu is only ampli­fy­ing the effects of rahu. Jupiter is respon­si­ble for abun­dance. Rahu is respon­si­ble for uncon­trolled growth and obses­sions. Moon, the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of mind/​emotions is also involved here mak­ing the things worse. Native is a hard­core alco­holic and into gam­bling since last 14 years.