The houses 3 – 7‑11 forms the kaam trikone known as axis of desires in a horoscope. Desires are not bad but when turn into evil, desires are bad which plays havoc with the human mind.3rd is the house of social interactions and communications known as seed of desires. 7th is the house of opportunity to fullfill the desire and finally 11th is the house which grants fullfilment of desires. Association of the houses 3 – 7‑11 creates strong desires and afflictions to these houses/lords turns desires into addictions like gambling, sex, alcoholism etc.
Presence of rahu and jupiter in kaam trikone gives monetary gains but hampers the reputation and brings bad name to the native. Rahu is the demon head without a body which means whatever he consumes his stomach never gets filled, he is never satisfied, his thirst never gets quenched.
Let me explain this with the help of a chart:-
Lagna is simha, Lagna lord sun is well placed in the 10th house with 2nd and 11th lord mercury. Jupiter, moon and rahu placed in 3 – 7‑11 houses respectively. Planets placed in mutual trines acts like temporary friends in a chart. Jupiter is retrograde, caught between gulika and mandi and placed in the nakshatra of rahu (swati). Moon in 7th is placed in the nakshatra of rahu again (shatbhisha). Rahu in 11th is placed in the nakshatra of jupiter (Punarvasu).
Aspect of jupiter on rahu is only amplifying the effects of rahu. Jupiter is responsible for abundance. Rahu is responsible for uncontrolled growth and obsessions. Moon, the significator of mind/emotions is also involved here making the things worse. Native is a hardcore alcoholic and into gambling since last 14 years.