9 Planets & Their Characteristics

There are 12 signs, 12 hous­es, 9 plan­ets and 27 naksha­tras in vedic astrol­o­gy. I am going to write down char­ac­ter­is­tics of each planet.

1) Sun — The undis­put­ed king of this uni­verse — it is the source around which all the plan­ets of our galaxy revolve. Sun is the great­est of all plan­ets, with­out which life on earth is impos­si­ble. Every being depends on sun for sus­te­nance. A pow­er­ful and unblem­ished sun can bless the native with regal and charis­mat­ic per­son­al­i­ty. Natives born with strong sun are coura­geous and hon­est in their dealings.

The sun is the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of soul, Father, Ego, Courage, Pow­er, Gov­ern­ment, Vital­i­ty, Bril­liance, Self esteem, Self­less­ness, Roy­al­ty, Nobil­i­ty, Charis­ma, Moun­tains and Forests, Bones, Heart, Right eye.

2) Moon — Moon/​Chandra is the most impor­tant plan­et in vedic astrol­o­gy as it sig­ni­fies mind and emo­tion­al state of a native. The whole world of maya is a play­ground of moon. Every­thing depends on the mind, the mind feeds on hap­pi­ness and mis­ery. A strong moon bless­es the native with for­ti­tude to face the chal­lenges of life.

Moon is the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of Moth­er, Women, Gen­tle­ness, Child­hood, Trav­el­ling, Emo­tions, Imag­i­na­tion, Sleep, Bod­i­ly flu­ids, Lungs, Breasts, Water, Rivers, Oceans, Left eye.

3) Mars — If Sun/​Surya is the king of this uni­verse then Mars/​kuja is his com­man­der. A king nev­er dirt­ies his hands in a fight, he gets his com­man­der to get the job done. Accord­ing to hin­du mythol­o­gy, mars is karthikeya, the child of lord shi­va who is called the com­man­der in chief of devas. since he has to pro­tect peo­ple through war he belongs to war­rior class, Nobody dares to attack him. Natives with influ­ence of mars have a ten­den­cy to fly into a rage sud­den­ly, how­ev­er their anger would quick­ly cool down.

Mars is the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of strength, Goal direct­ed ener­gy, pas­sion, courage, Action, Com­pet­i­tive and fight­ing spir­it, Anger, Irri­tabil­i­ty, Haste, Impa­tience, All or noth­ing atti­tude, Adven­ture, Sports­men, Police Offi­cers, Army/​navy per­son­nel, Sur­geons, Acci­dents, Wounds, Real estate, Mus­cles, Bone Marrow.

4) Jupiter — Jupiter/​Guru is the roy­al priest in king’s court. He is the giv­er of the divine knowl­edge of scrip­tures. The basic nature of jupiter is to expand the prop­er­ties it comes in con­tact with. Jupiter rep­re­sents abun­dant intel­lect and wis­dom. Natives with strong jupiter will often find their suc­cess from intel­lec­tu­al work.

Jupiter is the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of priests, Preach­ers, Guru, Learned peo­ple, Con­sul­tants, Pro­fes­sors, Moral­i­ty, Right­eous­ness, Opti­mism, chil­dren, For­tune, Wealth, High­er edu­ca­tion, Abun­dance, Liv­er, Pan­creas, Fat in the body.

5) Mer­cury — Mer­cury is con­sid­ered to be prince among all plan­ets, who always revolves close to the sun. Mer­cury is bud­ha which rep­re­sents bud­dhi (our intel­lect), log­ic, analy­sis, writ­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. If jupiter is knowl­edge (wis­dom) then mer­cury is the abil­i­ty to grasp that knowledge.

Mer­cury is the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of Ratio­nal­i­ty, Clev­er­ness, Intel­li­gence, Skill, Wit, Ver­bal and men­tal abil­i­ty, Aloof­ness, Dex­ter­i­ty, Writ­ing, Math­e­mat­ics, Com­put­ers, Skin, Hands, Nerves and ner­vous sys­tem, Intestines.

6) Venus — Venus is con­sid­ered to be the guru of Asur­as (Demons). He is the kara­ka of Love, Beau­ty and mate­r­i­al com­forts. So as plan­et jupiter is the Guru of gods, Venus is called guru of Demons.

Venus is the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of Arts, Women, relationship/​marriage, Cre­ativ­i­ty, Music, Paint­ing, Lux­u­ries, Wealth, Vehi­cles, Bank­ing, cin­e­ma, Jew­el­ry, Fash­ion, Kid­neys, semen.

7) Sat­urn — Accord­ing to vedic mythol­o­gy sat­urn is the son of the sun. Lord sat­urn is the slow­est plan­et in astrol­o­gy which takes 30 years to com­plete one round of the zodi­ac. He loves to cre­ate delays and put restrictions/​boundaries on the native to teach the val­ue of hard work and patience.

Sat­urn is the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of Patience, Detach­ment, Dis­ci­pline, Respon­si­bil­i­ty, Con­sis­ten­cy, Dark­ness, Iso­la­tion, Depres­sion, Anx­i­ety, Fear, Con­ser­vatism, Prac­ti­cal­i­ty, Mis­ery, Lone­li­ness, Sus­pi­cion, Legs, Feet.

8) Rahu/​ketu — Rahu and Ketu are the shad­ow plan­ets, who are known to reflect their shad­ow for 18 months in a zodi­ac. Accord­ing to vedic mythol­o­gy rahu is the demon head with­out a body which means what­ev­er he con­sumes his stom­ach nev­er gets filled, he is nev­er sat­is­fied, his thirst nev­er get quenched. Just like rahu is the sev­ered head, ketu is the body with­out head. They are of oppo­site nature, rahu gives and ketu takes back.

Rahu is the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of Illu­sion, Delu­sion, Addic­tion, Escapism, Con­fu­sion, Cheat­ing, Psy­chosis, Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, Mate­ri­al­ism, Trans­for­ma­tive, Sud­den, Greed, Lust, Obses­sions, Poi­sions, Mag­ic, For­eign trav­el, Imprisonment.

Ketu is the sig­ni­fi­ca­tor of Intu­ition, Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, Com­pas­sion, Self-sac­ri­fice, Lib­er­a­tion, Detach­ment, Iso­la­tion, Enlight­en­ment, Hid­den, Uncon­ven­tion­al­i­ty, Explo­sive­ness, Emo­tion­al tensions.