12 Houses & Their Significations

12 Hous­es & Their Significations

A birth chart is a map of plan­ets, hous­es, signs and naksha­tras. The 360 degree zodi­ac is equal­ly divid­ed into 12 divi­sions of 30 degree each. Below is the horo­scope of Kala purusha in south and north Indi­an style.

Signs and their Lordship-

Aries – Mars

Tau­rus – Venus

Gem­i­ni – Mercury

Can­cer – Moon

Leo – Sun

Vir­go – Mercury

Libra – Venus

Scor­pio – Mars and Ketu (co-ruler)

Sag­gi­tar­ius – Jupiter

Capri­corn – Saturn

Aquar­ius – Sat­urn and Rahu (co ruler)

1st House − The phys­i­cal body, identity/​personality of a per­son, head, hair, brain, intel­li­gence, child­hood, health, immunity/​vitality, place of birth, new begin­nings etc

2nd House – Pri­ma­ry house of wealth, mate­r­i­al pos­s­e­sions, wealth accu­mu­la­tion, val­ues, growth of native’s fam­i­ly, face, mouth, speech, food, eye­sight, mara­ka sthana (death inflict­ing house)

3rd House – Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, short dis­tance trav­els, cre­ativ­i­ty, writ­ing, singing/​dancing, sib­lings, desires, courage, phys­i­cal strength, risk tak­ing abil­i­ty, hobbies/​talents, ears, arms, hands etc

4th House – Happiness/​emotional state of a per­son, peace of mind, home, real estate mat­ters, moth­er, moth­er­land, Roots, vehi­cles, com­forts, Lux­u­ries, pri­ma­ry edu­ca­tion, chest, lungs, heart etc

5th House – Intel­li­gence, imag­i­na­tion, mem­o­ry, chil­dren, recre­ation, fame, roy­al or king­ly sta­tus, cin­e­ma, romance, Love, sports, high­er edu­ca­tion, Good actions done in past, stom­ach, liv­er, heart etc

6th House – Obsta­cles, chal­lenges, com­pe­tence, ene­mies, debts, Lit­i­ga­tion, dis­putes, health and dis­ease, cuts and wounds in the body, work life, break of relationship/​partnership, kid­ney, low­er back etc

7th House – Rela­tion­ships, legal con­tracts, day-to-day pub­lic affairs, busi­ness, mar­riage, part­ner­ship, spouse, desires, sex­u­al­i­ty, for­eign places, low­er back, pelvic area, mara­ka sthana (death inflict­ing house)