About me

My Astro­log­i­cal Journey

Did you ever have the feel­ing that some events are bound to hap­pen in our lives, some­times we get what we want and some­times we don’t get what we want. When we go through good times or achieve greater heights in life, we tend to for­get god/​destiny and attribute our suc­cess to hard work and tal­ent but when we face tough times and fail­ures in life, we blame des­tiny and ask god…why me? The absolute dif­fi­cult phas­es of life makes us won­der whether things like Fate and Des­tiny real­ly exist.

My astro­log­i­cal jour­ney began in 2009. I was an avid read­er since young age and my father had a strong belief in astrol­o­gy, i was skep­ti­cal about how plan­etery move­ments can have a effect on human lives. One day my father took me to a very reput­ed astrologer of my town, I was amazed at what he was able to tell me about myself and my fam­i­ly members.

Soon there­after i began my own study of astrol­o­gy, read­ing books like BPHS, Bri­hat Jata­ka, Pha­ladeepi­ka, draw­ing charts of fam­i­ly mem­bers and close friends. My pas­sion for astrol­o­gy grew up slow­ly and i start­ed div­ing deep into case stud­ies to under­stand how plan­ets deliv­er their results.

In this blog I will make an effort to share some knowl­edge that i have amassed over the last 10 years of study and research into this divine subject.

  1. Your work is great and so pre­cise . It’s com­fort­ing and gives me under­stand­ing of how being pos­i­tive and con­tin­u­ous work­ing is nec­es­sary . Also to be fit and tak­ing care of our body is vital .
    Thank you for mak­ing me work towards right direction .

    1. Your pre­dic­tions have 80% accu­ra­cy and also your pre­dict­ed astro­log­i­cal path gives pos­i­tiv­i­ty and strength in hard times.
      Thank you.

  2. You are doing a great job in this field . You teach me so many things about life and give me guid­ance too. Your analy­sis always gives me pos­i­tive vibes, pre­dic­tion accu­ra­cy is 80 – 90% that helps me a lot . Thank you very much .

  3. I real­ly admire and take all your sug­ges­tions to heart.I am so amazed, they are so accu­rate. I enjoy know­ing why and how? Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, you say is already in me. Thank you so much. Well done.

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